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1 844 587-8091


ACE Services Mécaniques, solid expertise to help you!

A staple in the mechanical field, ACE is your standard for quality mechanical services for equipment and heavy vehicles of all national brands. Created in 2010, in Val-d'Or, in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, by Mr. Bédard and Mr. Rochette. The company never ceased to grow and to consolidate its experience in the mechanic field, thanks to its dynamism, audacity and professionalism.

The expertise of our teams is well established and at your service!

Your problem becomes ours as soon as they arise. We make sure to get your machines back running as quickly as possible to minimize the impact on your business.

ACE Services Mécaniques chooses meticulously its workforce. We continuously train our experts so they are always highly qualified and at the cutting edge of technology to serve you. Your machines will be back on the road in a short moment.

With the personalized support provided by our team, we work with you for the daily success of your project.

Our mission

Provide unparalleled mechanical services to our customer to optimize the use of their equipment and heavy vehicles.

Our values

All our daily actions are based on these important values.


At ACE Services Mécaniques, you will always be in the know! Integrity and honesty are essential values to develop and maintain the trust bonds in our business, organizational and work relationships.


We treat everyone we come in contact with consideration and equity. People are at the heart of our corporate culture and it is important for us to offer a safe and healthy environment for our employees, suppliers, as well as for our partners and customers.


With the qualifications and expertise of our employees, we strive for technical and operational excellence. We are continuously training to be aware of the latest technologies and industry requirements to provide a high quality service.


Mutual support, cooperation and continuous improvement of our methods and teams are essential to our success. We stimulate the development of each, and contribute to it, thanks to our teamwork so our company and all of those who are part of it can grow.


We are working to provide an optimal service by using our material and human resources wisely.

creating employment

Our expertise relies on many hundred mechanical specialists in diverse mechanical fields, which allows us to provide the best of the services. We are proud to create local employment in the regions needing labour as well as mobile jobs for those who like to move - all in a safe and heathy environment to maximize our solid expertise.


Joignez votre expertise à la nôtre en postulant chez ACE Services Mécaniques

Our passionProviding a high quality mechanical service adapted to your needs!

Productivity is essential for the profitably of your business and we know it! This is why our team is available day and night to ease your mind and for your productivity to remain at the same level.

Our team specializing in heavy vehicles of all kinds is ready to assist you in the maintenance and repair of your equipment, regardless of your needs!

ACE Services Mécaniques is…

  • A complete mechanical service
  • A mobile service, in-garage, on site or by hiring labour
  • A qualified and devoted team
  • PMP certifications
  • CNESST, WSCC and other certifications depending on the region
  • A service across Canada and in the northern territories
  • A flawless support
  • Qualified labour
  • Availability at all times
  • A healthy and safe environment
  • And even more!
Trust our solid expertise!
© 2022 - ACE Services Mécaniques - Tous droits réservés
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